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Manuel de Sola-Morales A Matter of Things

ISBN: 9789056625207


This monograph brings together the work of the Spanish architect and urban planner Manuel de Solà-Morales in book form for the first time. The publication concentrates on his most important projects and realizations of recent years. Solà-Morales has achie

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This monograph brings together the work of the Spanish architect and urban planner Manuel de Solà-Morales in book form for the first time. The publication concentrates on his most important projects and realizations of recent years. Solà-Morales has achieved successful interventions in the urban landscape in many places in Europe: from Antwerp to Trieste, from Groningen to Porto, and from Barcelona to The Hague. For Solà-Morales the city does not consist of abstractions, but of concrete, tangible things. His projects could be regarded as an urban architecture, at the interface of architecture and urban planning. By intervening in this physical reality in a precise manner, with a building, with public space, or sometimes with nothing more than the layout of a public space, but always with concrete things, Solà-Morales effects changes in the city that often transcend the physical or spatial dimensions of the intervention. All the projects are documented extensively in word and image. Besides texts by Manuel de Solà-Morales himself, the book includes essays by Kenneth Frampton, Ariaan Geuze and Hans Ibelings about the architect’s work and ideas.‘As much as a system of flows or a code of memories, cities are a matter of things.’ – Manuel de Solà-Morales

224 pages, illustrated (450 full color) / 20 x 25 cm / English

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