El Croquis has chosen to compile a compendium featuring seven Spanish architectural practices whose works have predominantly been realised within their homeland. Some 25 projects are gathered here from Nieto Sobejano, S-Mao, Studio IP, Arquitectos Coll-Leclerc, Studio Ensamble, Andrés Jacque and Arquitectos Dosmasuno. Included are a diverse range of projects, ranging from smaller private residences, museums and competition entries to apartment buildings, cultural centres and office complexes – all completed or initiated over the last few years. Extensively illustrated with full-page exterior and interior colour photographs, projects are also accompanied by plans, elevations, details and models, along with explanatory texts.
- Madinat al Zahra Mueum and Isntitution Offices
- Extensions to the National Sculpture Museum
- Aragón Congress Centre Expo 2008
- Moritzburg Museum Extensión
- Lugo Interactive History Museum
- Cellars in Picón
- Lofts in San Sebastián de Los Reyes
- Residential Building and Pool in Cantalares
- Errebal Shopping Centre in Eibar
- Single Family Dwelling in Redondela
- Fishing Warehouses in Cangas
- Beluso Harbour Facilities
- Vigo College of Architects
- Park on the roof of Horta Bus Depot
- Facilities and Apartment Buildings on Calle Londres
- Villa in Ordos
- SGAE Centre in Santiago de Compostella
- García Abril House
- Tower of Music
- Tupper HomHouse in Never Never Land
- Guest House for Floating Entertainment
- 102 Apartments in Carabanchel
- 17 Dwellings in Vallecas
- 67 Dwellings in Colmenar Viejo
311 pages, color ills / 25 x 34 cm / Spanish, English
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