Thomas Feichtner (b. 1970) is an Austrian designer who, after considerable successes in the field of industrial design (ski bindings, ball-point pens, fire extinguishers), has recently begun to turn heads again with his unusual approach to design. His new work in the area of furniture and object design is positioned midway between industry and handicrafts, mass production and one-of-a-kinds. This monograph uses sketches, preliminary models, and prototypes to provide a detailed presentation of his experimental working methods. With texts by Peter Noever, Bernhard E. Bürdek, Shonquis Moreno, Lilli Hollein, and Michael Hausenblas. – Feichtner lives and works in Linz; since October 2009, he has held a design chair at the Muthesius Kunsthochschule (Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts and Design) in Kiel.
265 pages / 24 x 30 cm / English, German
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