The must-read journal on every designer’s desk, Dot Dot Dot covers design in the widest possible sense. Steering clear of both commercial portfolio presentations and impenetrable academic theory, it offers intelligent, passionate, and clever writing on the tangled web of influences that determine the shape of contemporary cultural production. Art, music, language, film, literature–you never know what you might discover on its offbeat pages. Featuring a design as unexpected as its contents, Dot Dot Dot 17 presents new artifacts from its ongoing investigation into the past, present, and future of visual culture.
Stuart Bailey co-founded the ongoing journal Dot Dot Dot in 2000. Since 2006 he has worked together with David Reinfurt as Dexter Sinister, also the name of their “just-in-time workshop and occasional bookstore” on New York’s Lower East Side.
104 pages / 16.5 x 23.5 cm / English
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