The reorganization of the waterfront of Vigo is the focal point of ‘Open Vigo to the Sea’, a large urban scheme that has allowed to eliminate the barrier of port structures that separated the city from the sea and to create new public spaces. A series of interventions designed by Guillermo Vázquez Consuegra and developed along a two-kilometer stretch of the waterfront, between the Plaza de la Estrella and the Plaza del Berbés, were carried out between 1994 and 2004. For this work the author received in 2005 the Spanish National Architecture Award.
About the Author and the Work
- Vicente Verdú. Passage to the Beyond
- Pedro de Llano. Waves do Mar de Vigo
- Peter Buchanan. Opening Vigo to the Sea
- Javier García-Solera. At Ground Level
Project Background
- The 1993 Competition
- Proposal of Vázquez Consuegra
A Decade of Work
- Plaza del Berbés
- Waterfront and Elduayen Gardens
- Estación de Ría
- Marquee Pavilion
- Plaza de la Estrella
- Beiramar Tunnel and Areal Fountain
- Urban Furnishings
Architecture and Public Art
- Fernando Castro Flórez. Artistic Traces in the Metropolitan Non-Place
- Menchu Lamas
- Antón Patiño
- Francisco Leiro
320 pages, color ills / 22,5 x 27,5 cm / English, Spanish
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