Ideal for students of architectural technology, this volume of the Technologies of Architecture series covers the technologies available and the processes necessary for the conservation of existing buildings and environments.This book provides, in a single text, the tools for students to be able to evaluate such buildings, as well as an extensive understanding of the mechanisms which cause their deterioration and knowledge of the technologies available to correct their status. The ever higher standards set for buildings, especially in energy conservation contexts, demand that practitioners appreciate how the performance of existing structures can be enhanced, which is also covered.
Considering the work of conservation within a holistic perspective and historical context, this book is additionally invaluable for architecture and construction students.
Part 1: Introduction
- 1. Architectural history and materials
- 2. Conservation and the built environment
- 3. Managing Change
- 4. Conclusion
Part 2: Early Architectural History
- 5. Western Asiatic, Assyrian and Persian-Mesopotamia (from 4500 BC)
- 6. Ancient Egyptian (from 5000 BC)
- 7. Ancient Greece (1100 BC – 146 BC)
- 8. Ancient Rome: 750 BC to AD 400
- 9. Byzantium & Early Christian Architecture
- 10. Early British Medieval Architecture
- 11. Romanesque/Norman Architecture in Britain (1066-1200)
- 12. GothicArchitecture 1200-1500
- 13. Early British Domestic Architecture
- 14. Conclusions
Part 3: The Renaissance to the Twentieth Century
- 15. The Italian Renaissance
- 16. Renaissance architecture in Britain & return to Classicism
- 17. Scotland’s Royal Palaces
- 18. Baroque
- 19. The Scottish Enlightenment
- 20. Georgian Architecture
- 21. Georgian Terraced and Smaller Houses
- 22. The Picturesque Movement
- 23. Regency Architecture
- 24. Victorian Period
- 25. Arts & Crafts Movement
- 26. The Late 19th and Early 20th century
- 27. Post-war
- 28. Conclusions
Part 4: Vernacular Architecture
- 29. Geography and Economy
- 30. Early Vernacular Buildings
- 31. Vernacular Houses
- 32. Vernacular Farm Buildings
- 33. Vernacular industrial buildings
- 34. The Conservation of Vernacular Buildings
- 35. Conclusions
Part 5: Materials & Performance
- 36. Lime and Cement
- 37. Roofing materials
- 38. Walling and structural materials
- 39. Conclusion
Part 6: Conservation Philosophy, Historical Context & Legislation
- 40. Conservation or Preservation?
- 41. Historical Context: The 19thC Anti-scrape Movement
- 42. Twentieth Century and Establishment of Conservation Charters
- 43. Legislation
- 44. The Role of Amenity Societies
- 45. Conclusions
Part 7: Conservation in Practice
- 46. Principles, Ethics and Criteria of Conservation
- 47. Conservation Plans and Cultural Significance
- 48. Investigating and Understanding Buildings
- 49. Dealing with Historic Buildings in Practice
- 50. Sustainability and climate change
- 51. Conclusion
Part 8: Overview
338 pages / 19 x 24,5 cm
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