Though few now doubt the severity of the environmental problems faced by humanity there is still resistance from businesses, developers, architects, planners and government when it comes to making the step changes necessary to make our lifestyles sustainable.
Based on the experience gained from their involvement in the pioneering Beddington Zero Emission Development (or BedZED) in London, and subsequent innovative schemes, The ZEDbook authors present a bold, coherent and refreshing vision of a low carbon future.
In three comprehensive sections, The ZEDbook leads the reader from basic ZEDliving principles through building physics and architectural design details to a carefully selected array of informative case studies.
The ZEDbook is a must-have purchase for anyone wanting to make communities and the built environment more sustainable.
Principles for ZEDliving
- Make Carbon History
- Design Out Fossil Fuels
- Reduce Demand – Run On Native Renewables
- Enable a High Quality of Life on a LOW Footprint
- The ZEDstandards: A Checklist for ZEDliving
Designing ZEDs
- A Guide to ZEDstandards
- The ZEDphysics Model
- Characterising a Development for Energy Use and Carbon Emissions
- Characterising a Development for Comfort
- The Effect of Climate
- Building and Upgrading Houses to Zero Carbon Standards
- Achieving Zero Carbon Emissions on a Large Development
- Building Fabric and Insulation
- ZEDfactory Wind Cowl Passive Heat Recovery Ventilation System
- Passive Solar Design
- Thermal Mass
- Overheating Risk Assessment
- Low and Zero Carbon Heating and Hot Water
- Low Energy Air-Conditioning, Dehumidification and Cooling
- Providing a Renewable eEectricity Supply
Case Studies
- RuralZED
- SuburbanZED
- Live/WorkZED
- UrbanZED
- CityZED
- ZEDquarter
265 pages, color / 22 x 28 cm / English
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