The wide diversity of individual lifestyles is reflected in our various living forms. If residential estates and town houses were once the outward symbol of happiness, then new styles of abode have been replacing them for a number of years. yet our house is still very much part of our private image and can embody luxury in various ways. Are outward appearances and luxury still significant in modern life today? Is it possible to imbue a town villa, a residential home for the handicapped, a sophisticated city apartment, a single family house with a garden, or in a block of flats with a feeling of luxury? Can we transfer the knowledge gained from one style of building to another? For many years the Zurich-based architectural office of Bob Gysin Partner has been responding ot these and similar issues in their work. “Luxury Living” is a documentation of exemplary residential buildings realized by BGP together with a collection of essays. The text contributions draw together the practice and theory to produce an exciting yet critical dialogue on the creation of a sense of luxury in modern residential buildings.
168 pages
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