Re-Scaling the Environment New Landscapes of Design 1960-1980 V2

ISBN: 9783035610161


Re-Scaling the Environment
New Landscapes of Design, 1960-1980 Volume 2. From 1960–1980, both eastern and western Europe experienced a construction boom of new dimensions. Cybernetics, the science of planning, and sociology, as well as the new possibilit

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Re-Scaling the Environment New Landscapes of Design, 1960-1980 Volume 2

  • Architectural parallels between different political systems in Europe
  • People, buildings, theories, rules – a synopsis with a new dimension
  • Contributions by numerous international experts

Aims and Scope
From 1960–1980, both eastern and western Europe experienced a construction boom of new dimensions. Cybernetics, the science of planning, and sociology, as well as the new possibilities offered by technology and production, paved the way to large-scale processes and systems in architecture and urban design, which favored technocratic and utopian concepts. Increasingly, architects and planners saw themselves as designers of comprehensive infrastructure and mega-structures in a technology-focused world.
The authors assesses these developments on the back of a knowledge transfer between East and West. It confirms a change in attitude that can still be felt today – recession, social changes, and environmental problems led to criticism of the then contemporary concepts of modernity.


  • Foreword. East West Central: Re-Building Europe / Moravánszky, Ákos
  • Introduction. On Systems and System Change / Kegler, Karl R.

I. Technology: New Scales and Projects

  • Zooming In: The Powers of Scale, 1960–1980 / Moravánszky, Ákos
  • The Choreography of the Console: Electronic Environments and their Operators / Crowley, David
  • Rittel’s Riddles: Design Education and “Democratic” Planning in the Age of Information / Lange, Torsten
  • Nested Utopias: GEAM’s Large-Scale Designs / Escher, Cornelia
  • On Bees and Bolts: Školka SIAL – An Architects’ Commune in Czechoslovakia /
  • Baum, Mirko

II. Planning, Design and Territory

  • Le Corbusier’s “Geo-Architecture” and the Emergence of Territorial Aesthetics / Sarkis, Hashim
  • Projective Geographies Between East and West / Cupers, Kenny / Demchenko, Igor
  • Towards the Functional Society: Paradigm Shifts in the Regional Planning of West and East Germany / Kegler, Karl R.
  • Vacationing within the Walls. The Design and Development of Holiday Resorts in the GDR / Spiegel, Daniela
  • Urbanism and Academia: Teaching Urban Design in the East / Meggyesi, Tamás

III. Practices and Agencies

  • Architectural Intelligence and Scarcity-Driven Design in the 1960s Yugoslavia / Blagojević, Ljiljana
  • From New Empiricism to Structuralism. The Swedish National Board of Public Building (KBS) / Sigge, Erik
  • Courtyards, Corners, Streetfronts: Re-Imagining Mass Housing Areas in Tallinn / Kurg, Andres
  • “Complex Projects”: Landscape Architecture as the Integrating Discipline / Zutz, Axel
  • UIA, R. Buckminster Fuller, and the Architectural Consequences of “Total Environment” / Kalpakci, Andreas
  • New Agencies: Convergent Frameworks of Research and Architectural Design /
    Bujas, Piotr / Gzowska, Alicja
  • Appendix, Notes on Contributors, Index

320 pages, 165 colour illustrations / 16,5 x 24,5 cm / English

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