The helidrome is a cleared space, an absence of obstacles that could hinder the landing and take-off of a helicopter. It is designed for safe contact ranging from a green pasture to a flat roof. The construction of a helidrome is the concern of governments and engineers, passengers and pilots, owners and neighbours as well as architects. Helicopter platforms are linked to helicopter operations which connect hospitals, lighthouses, oil platforms and icebreakers. The design lifts the platform above the surrounding buildings, seeking a free approach path and a prominent place on top. Architects began integrating the helicopter platform in high-rise and private building designs. The supporting buildings allow the many particularities of the helidrome to come into view. Its prominence and variety have given the platform attention and prestige. Introduced by the imagery of helicopters in the arts, this book shows safe and remote landing sites alongside prestigious and ostentatious designs. It describes the development of the platform from a topic of engineering to a topic of architecture.
160 pages, b&w ills / 17 x 24 cm / English
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