Friedrich Achleitner wrote on architect Adolf Krischanitz (*1946) that the secret of his efficacy in the architectural discourse probably lies in “his double strategy, the programmatic dualism of theory and praxis, the method of a continuing dialogue between conception and reception, stringent realization and the contemplative process. . . . Taking counter-measures and putting things in perspective whenever fashion-dictated appearances are involved, and working hard to shatter conventions.” His work is “not linear, but organized into thematic layers that are forced away from the core but maintain it as the center of the fundamental disposition of his program.”
According to the architect’s description, this volume, featuring texts by Krischanitz, is laid out like a “stream that encompasses all of the senses.” At the center are his thoughts on urban renewal and architecture as well as conversations with Hermann Czech, Marcel Meili, and Otto Kapfinger, interwoven with illustrations of student projects and his own buildings.
224 pages, 61 ills, 12 in color, 100 plans and drawings / 17.8 x 24.5 cm
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