- Volume 1 of the first overview of architectural thought from antiquity to the present day; this volume covers 25 B.C. to 1870
- Collects over 200 classic essays in the field, organized thematically for the student and scholar, covering Classicism, Neoclassicism, the Enlightenment, Romanticism, and the Gothic
- Includes German, French, and Italian essays appearing in English here for the first time
- Features a general introduction and headnotes to each essay written by a renowned expert on architectural theory.
Part I: Classicism and the Renaissance.
A. The Classical and Medieval Traditions.
- 1. Vitruvius. from De architectura,Book 1 (c.25 B.C.).
- 2. Vitruvius. from De architectura, Book 2 (c.25 B.C.).
- 3. Vitruvius. from De architectura, Book 3 (c.25 B.C.).
- 4. Vitruvius. from De architectura, Book 4 (c.25 B.C.).
- 5. Old Testament. from I Kings.
- 6. Old Testament. from The Book of Ezekiel (c.586 B.C.).
- 7. New Testament. from The Revelation of Jesus Christ to Saint John (c.95 A.D.).
- 8. Abbot Suger. from The Book of Suger, Abbot of Saint-Denis (c.1144).
- 9. William Durandus. from Rationale divinorum officiorum (1286).
B. Renaissance and Baroque Ideals.
- Introduction.
- 10. Antonio di Tuccio Manetti. from The Life of Brunelleschi (1480s).
- 11. Leon Battista Alberti. from De re aedificatoria, Prologue and Book I (1443–1452).
- 12. Leon Battista Alberti. from De re aedificatoria, Book 6.
- 13. Leon Battista Alberti. from De re aedificatoria, Book 9.
- 14. Il Filarete. from Book I of untitled treatise on architecture (1461–3).
- 15. Il Filarete. from Book VIII of untitled treatise on architecture.
- 16. Sebastiano Serlio. from Book 3, De antiquita (1540).
- 17. Giacomo Barozzi da Vignola. from Preface to Regola delli cinque ordini d’architettura (1562).
- 18. Palladio. from I quattro libri dell’architettura (1570).
- 19. Juan Bautista Villalpando. from In: Ezekielem Explanationes (1604).
- 20. Georgio Vasari. from Preface to Le vite de piu eccellenti architetti, pittori, et scultori italiani (1550, 1568).
- 21. Georgio Vasari. from “Life of Michelangelo” in Le vite de piu eccellenti architetti, pittori, et scultori italiani (1550, 1568).
- 22. Peter Paul Rubens. from Preface to Palazzi di Genova (1622).
Part II: Classicism in France and Britain.
A. French Classicism: Ancients and Moderns.
- Introduction.
- 23. René Descartes. from Regulae ad Directionen Ingenii (1628).
- 24. Roland Fréart de Chambray. from Preface to Parallele de l’architecture antique et de la moderne (1650).
- 25. Paul Fréart de Chantelou. from Diary of the Cavaliere Bernini’s Visit to France (1665).
- 26. François Blondel. from “Discours pronounce par Mr Blondel a l’ouverture de l’Academie d’Architecture” (1671).
- 27. François Blondel,. from Cours d’architecture (1675).
- 28. René Ouvrard. from Architecture harmonique (1677).
- 29. Claude Perrault. annotations to French translation of Les dix livres d’architecture de Vitruve (1673).
- 30. François Blondel. from Cours d’architecture, Vol. II (1683).
- 31. Claude Perrault. from Les dix livres d’architecture de Vitruve, second edition (1684).
- 32. Claude Perrault. from Ordonnance des cinq espèces de colonnes selon la méthode des Anciens (1683).
- 33. Jean-François Félibien. from Preface to Recueil historique de la vie et des ouvrages des plus célebres architectes (1687).
- 34. Charles Perrault. from Preface to Parallèle des anciens et des modernes en ce qui regarde les arts et les sciences (1688).
- 35. Charles Perrault (1688–97). from “Dessin d’un portail pour l’Église de Sainte-Geneviève à Paris” (1697).
- 36. Michel de Frémin. from Mémoires critiques d’architecture (1702).
- 37. Jean-Louis de Cordemoy. from Nouveau traité de toute l’architecture (1706, 1714).
B. British Classicism and Palladianism.
- Introduction.
- 38. Henry Wotton. from The Elements of Architecture (1624).
- 39. Christopher Wren. from Tract I on architecture (mid-1670s).
- 40. Christopher Wren. from Tracts II and IV on architecture (mid-1670s).
- 41. Anthony Ashley Cooper, Third Earl of Shaftesbury. from Characteristics of Men, Manners, Opinions, Times (1711).
- 42. Anthony Ashley Cooper, Third Earl of Shaftesbury. from “A Letter Concerning Design” (1712).
- 43. Colin Campbell. Introduction to Vitruvius Britannicus, Vol. I (1715).
- 44. Nicholas Du Bois. Translator’s Preface to The Architecture of A. Palladio (1715).
- 45. William Kent. “Advertisement”to The Designs of Inigo Jones (1727).
- 46. James Gibbs,. Introduction to A Book of Architecture (1728).
- 47. Robert Morris. from An Essay in Defence of Ancient Architecture (1728).
- 48. Alexander Pope. from Of False Taste (1731).
- 49. Isaac Ware. “Advertisement” to Andrea Palladio: The Four Books of Architecture (1737).
- 50. Robert Morris. from “An Essay upon Harmony” (1739).
Part III: Neoclassicism and the Enlightenment.
A. Early Neoclassicism.
- Introduction.
- 51. Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach. from Preface to Entwurf einer historischen Architektur (1721).
- 52. Voltaire. from Lettres philosophiques sur les anglais (1733).
- 53. Jacques-Gabriel Soufflot. from “Mémoire sur les proportions de l’architecture” (1739).
- 54. Jacques-Gabriel Soufflot. from “Mémoire sur l’architecture gothique” (1741).
- 55. Carlo Lodoli. from Notes for a projected treatise on architecture (c.1740s).
- 56. Baron de Montesquieu. from Preface to L’Esprit des Lois (1748).
- 57. Jean-Jacques Rousseau. from Discours sur les sciences et les arts (1750).
- 58. Jean Le Rond D’Alembert. from “Discours préliminaire des editeurs” (1751).
- 59. Jacques-François Blondel. from “Architecture” in Diderot’s Encyclopédie (1751).
- 60. Charles-Étienne Briseau. from Preface to Traité du beau essentiel dans les arts (1752).
- 61. Marc-Antoine Laugier. from Essai sur l’architecture (1753).
- 62. Marc-Antoine Laugier. from Essai sur l’architecture (1753).
- 63. Isaac Ware. from A Complete Body of Architecture, Chapter II (1756).
- 64. Isaac Ware. from A Complete Body of Architecture, Chapter IX (1756).
- 65. William Chambers. from A Treatise on Civil Architecture (1759).
- 66. William Chambers. from A Treatise on the Decorative Part of Civil Architecture (1791).
B. Greece and the Classical Ideal.
- Introduction.
- 67. James Stuart and Nicholas Revett. From “Proposals for publishing an accurate description of the Antiquities of Athens” (1748).
- 68. Robert Wood and James Dawkins. from The Ruins of Palmyra (1753).
- 69. Johann Joachim Winckelmann. from Gedanken über die Nachahmung der griechischen Werke in der Mahlerey und Bildhauer-Kunst (1755).
- 70. Allan Ramsay. from “A Dialogue on Taste” in The Investigator (1755).
- 71. Julien-David Leroy. from Les Ruines des plus beaux monuments de la Grece (1758).
- 72. Julien-David Leroy. from Les Ruines des plus beaux monuments de la Grece (1758).
- 73. James Stuart and Nicholas Revett. from the Preface to The Antiquities of Athens (1762).
- 74. Johann Joachim Winckelmann. from Geschichte der Kunst des Alterthums (1764).
- 75. Johann Joachim Winckelmann. from Geschichte der Kunst des Alterthums (1764).
- 76. Johann Joachim Winckelmann. from Geschichte der Kunst des Alterthums (1764).
- 77. Giovanni Battista Piranesi. from Osservazioni sopra la letter de Monsieur Mariette (1765).
- 78. Giovanni Battista Piranesi. from Parere su l’architettura (1765).
- 79. Giovanni Battista Piranesi. from “An Apologetical Essay in Defence of the Egyptian and Tuscan Architecture” (1769).
C. Character and Expression.
- Introduction.
- 80. Germain Boffrand. from Livre d’architecture (1745).
- 81. Étienne Bonnot de Condillac. from Essai sur l’origine des connaissances humaines (1746).
- 82. Julien-David Leroy. from Histoire de la disposition et des formes differentes que les chréstiens ont données à leur temples (1764).
- 83. Jacques-François Blondel. from Cours d’architecture (1771).
- 84. Nicolas Le Camus de Mézières. from Le génie de l’architecture (1780).
- 85. Nicolas Le Camus de Mézières. from Le génie de l’architecture (1780).
- 86. Jean-Louis Viel de Saint-Maux. from Lettres sur l’architecture des anciens et celles des modernes (1787).
- 87. A. C. Quatremère de Quincy. from Encyclopédie méthodique (1788).
- 88. Étienne-Louis Boullée. from Architecture, essai sur l’art (c.1794).
- 89. Étienne-Louis Boullée. from Architecture, Essai sur l’art (c.1794).
- 90. Claude Nicolas Ledoux. from L’architecture considérée sous le rapport de l’art, des moeurs et de la législation (1804).
- 91. John Soane. from Royal Academy Lectures on Architecture (V and XI; 1812–15.
Part IV: Theories of the Picturesque and Sublime.
A. Sources of the Picturesque.
- Introduction.
- 92. John Locke. from An Essay Concerning Human Understanding (1690).
- 93. William Temple. from “Upon the Gardens of Epicurus; or, of Gardening in the Year 1685” (1692).
- 94. John Vanbrugh. Letter to the Duchess of Marlborough (1709).
- 95. Anthony Ashley Cooper, Third Earl of Shaftesbury. from “The Moralists” (1709).
- 96. Joseph Addison. from The Spectator (1712).
- 97. Robert Castell. from The Villas of the Ancients Illustrated (1728).
- 98. Batty Langley. from New Principles of Gardening (1728).
- 99. Robert Morris. from Lectures on Architecture (1734–1736).
- 100. William Chambers. from Designs of Chinese Buildings (1757).
- Recommended Readings.
B. Toward a Relativist Aesthetics.
- Introduction.
- 101. John Locke. from An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, fourth edition (1700).
- 102. Joseph Addison. from the Spectator (1712).
- 103. Jean Baptiste du Bos. from Critical Reflections on Poetry, Painting, and Music (1719).
- 104. Francis Hutcheson. from An Inquiry into the Original of our Ideas of Beauty and Virtue (1725).
- 105. George Berkeley. from the “Third Dialogue” of Alciphron (1732).
- 106. David Hume. from A Treatise of Human Nature (1739–40).
- 107. Allan Ramsey. from “A Dialogue on Taste” in The Investigator (1755).
- 108. Alexander Gerard. from An Essay on Taste (1756).
- 109. David Hume. from “Of the Standard of Taste” (1757).
- 110. Edmund Burke. from A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful (1757).
- 111. Edmund Burke. from A Philosophical Inquiry into the Origin of our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful (1757).
- 112. Lord Kames. from Elements of Criticism (1762).
- 113. Robert and James Adam. from Preface to The Works in Architecture of Robert and James Adam (1773–78).
C. Consolidation of Picturesque Theory.
- Introduction.
- 114. Thomas Whately. from Observations on Modern Gardening (1770).
- 115. Horace Walpole. from “The History of the Modern Taste in Gardening” (1771).
- 116. William Chambers. from A Dissertation on Oriental Gardening (1772).
- 117. William Gilpin. from Observations on the River Wye (1782).
- 118. Joshua Reynolds. from Discourses on Architecture (1786).
- 119. John Soane. from Plans, Elevations, and Sections of Buildings (1788).
- 120. Uvedale Price. from Essays on the Picturesque (1794).
- 121. Richard Payne Knight. from “Postscript” to The Landscape, second edition (1795).
- 122. Humphry Repton. from Sketches and Hints on Landscape Gardening (1795).
- 123. Uvedale Price. from “An Essay on Architecture and Buildings as connected with Scenery” (1798).
- 124. Richard Payne Knight. from An Analytical Inquiry into the Principles of Taste (1805).
- 125. John Soane. from Royal Academy Lectures on Architecture, V, VIII, and XI (1812–15).
Part V: The Rise of Historicism in the Nineteenth Century.
A. Challenges to Classicism in France, 1802–34.
- Introduction.
- 126. Jean-Nicolas-Louis Durand. from Précis de leçons d’architecture données à l’École Royale Polytechnique (1802).
- 127. A. C. Quatremère de Quincy. from De l’architecture égyptienne (1803).
- 128. Christian Ludwig Stieglitz. from Archaologie der Baukunst der Griechen und Römer (1801).
- 129. A. C. Quatremère de Quincy. from Le Jupiter olympien (1814).
- 130. Charles Robert Cockerell. from “On the Aegina Marbles” (1819).
- 131. William Kinnard. Annotations to Stuart and Revett’s The Antiquities of Athens, second edition (1825).
- 132. Otto Magnus von Stackelberg. from Der Apollotempel zu Bassae in Arcadien (1826).
- 133. Jacques Ignace Hittorff. from “De l’architecture polychrôme chez les Grecs” (1830).
- 134. Gottfried Semper. from Vorläufige Bemerkungen über bemalte Architectur und Plastik bei den Alten (1834).
- 135. Léon Vaudoyer. Excerpts from three letters of 1829, 1830, and 1831.
- 136. Émile Barrault. from Aux Artistes (1830).
- 137. Victor Hugo. from Nôtre-Dame de Paris (1832).
- 138. Gottfried Semper. from Vorläufige Bemerkungen über bemalte Architectur und Plastik bei den Alten (1834).
- 139. Léonce Reynaud. from “Architecture” in Encyclopédie nouvelle (1834).
B. The Gothic Revival in Britain, Germany, and France.
- Introduction.
- 140. Horace Walpole. from Letter to H. Zouch (1759).
- 141. Horace Walpole. from A Description of the Villa of Horace Walpole at Strawberry Hill (1774).
- 142. Johann Wolfgang Goethe. from “Von deutscher Baukunst” (1772).
- 143. François René Chateaubriand. from Le génie du christianisme (1802).
- 144. Friedrich von Schlegel. from Briefen auf einer Reise durch die Niederlande, Rheingegenden, die Schweiz und einen Teil von Frankreich (1806).
- 145. Joseph Görres. from “Der Dom in Köln” (1814).
- 146. Georg Moller. from Denkmähler der detuschen Baukunst (1815–1821).
- 147. Thomas Rickman. from An Attempt to Discriminate the Styles of English Architecture (1817).
- 148. William Whewell. from Architectural Notes on German Churches (1830).
- 149. Robert Willis. from Remarks on the Architecture of the Middle Ages (1835).
- 150. Augustus Welby Pugin. from Contrasts (1836).
- 151. Augustus Welby Pugin. from The True Principles of Pointed or Christian Architecture (1842).
- 152. John Mason Neale and Benjamin Webb. from The Ecclesiologist (1841).
- 153. Victor Hugo. from Nôtre-Dame de Paris (1832).
- 154. Léonce Reynaud. from “Architecture,” Encyclopédie nouvelle (1834).
- 155. Eugène-Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc. from “De la construction des édifices religieux en France” (1844).
C. The German Style Debate.
- Introduction.
- 156. Immanuel Kant. from Kritik der Urtheilskraft (1790).
- 157. August Schlegel. from Vorlesungen über schöne Litteratur und Kunst (1801–02).
- 158. Friedrich Gilly. from “Einige Gedanken über die Notwendigkeit, die verschiedenen Theile der Baukunst . . . zu vereinen” (1799).
- 159. Karl Friedrich Schinkel. Literary fragments (c. 1805).
- 160. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. from The Philosophy of Fine Art (1820s).
- 161. Friedrich von Gärtner. from Letter to Johann Martin von Wagner (1828).
- 162. Heinrich Hübsch. from Im welchem Style sollen wir bauen? (1828).
- 163. Rudolf Wiegmann. from “Bemerkungen über die Schrift: Im welchem Style sollen wir bauen?” (1829).
- 164. Karl Friedrich Schinkel. from Notes for a textbook on architecture (c.1830).
- 165. Karl Friedrich Schinkel. from Notes for a textbook on architecture (c.1835).
- 166. Rudolf Wiegmann. from “Gedanken über Entwickelung eines zeitgemässen nazionalen Baustyls” (1841).
- 167. Johann Heinrich Wolff. from “Einige Worte über die von Herrn Professor Stier bei der Architektenversammlung zu Bamberg zur Sprache gebrachten . . . architektonischen Fragen” (1845).
- 168. Eduard Metzger. from “Beitrag zur Zeitfrage: In welchem Stil man bauen soll!” (1845).
- 169. Carl Bötticher. from “Das Prinzip der hellenischen und germanischen Bauweise” (1846).
D. The Rise of American Theory.
- Introduction.
- 170. Thomas Jefferson. Letters (1787, 1791, 1805, 1812).
- 171. Benjamin Latrobe. Letter to Thomas Jefferson (1807).
- 172. George Tucker. from “On Architecture” (1814).
- 173. William Strickland. from introductory lecture on architecture (1824).
- 174. Thomas U. Walter. from “Of Modern Architecture” (1841).
- 175. Arthur Delavan Gilman. from “Architecture in the United States” (1843).
- 176. Thomas Alexander Tefft. from “The Cultivation of True Taste” (1851).
- 177. Ralph Waldo Emerson. from “Self-Reliance” (1841).
- 178. Ralph Waldo Emerson. from “Thoughts on Art” (1841).
- 179. Horatio Greenough. from Letter to Washington Allston (1831).
- 180. Horatio Greenough. from “American Architecture (1843).
- 181. Horatio Greenough. from “Structure and Organization” (1852).
- 182. Henry David Thoreau. from his journal (January 11, 1852).
- 183. Andrew Jackson Downing. from A Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening.
- 184. Andrew Jackson Downing. from Cottage Residences (1842).
- 185. Andrew Jackson Downing. from Hints to Persons about Building in the Country (1847).
- 186. Andrew Jackson Downing. from The Architecture of Country Houses (1850).
- 187. Calvert Vaux. from Villas and Cottages (1857).
- 188. James Jackson Jarves. from The Art-Idea (1864).
Part VI: Historicism in the Industrial Age.
A. The Battle of the Styles in Britain.
- Introduction.
- 189. Thomas Hope. from Observations on the Plans and Elevations Designed by James Wyatt (1804).
- 190. Thomas Hope. from An Historical Essay on Architecture (1835).
- 191. Thomas Leverton Donaldson. from “Preliminary Discourse before the University College of London” (1842).
- 192. John Ruskin. from The Seven Lamps of Architecture (1849).
- 193. James Fergusson, Augustus Welby Pugin, Edward Lacy Garbett, Robert Kerr. from The Builder (1850).
- 194. Edward Lacy Garbett. from Rudimentary Treatise on the Principles of Design in Architecture (1850).
- 195. John Ruskin. from “The Nature of Gothic” (1851–3).
- 196. Matthew Digby Wyatt. from The Industrial Arts of the Nineteenth Century (1851).
- 197. Richard Redgrave. from “Supplementary Report on Design” (1852).
- 198. Owen Jones. from The Grammar of Ornament (1856).
- 199. John Ruskin. from “The Deteriorative Power of Conventional Art over Nations” (1859).
- 200. Robert Kerr. “The Battle of the Styles,” from The Builder (1860).
- 201. James Fergusson. from History of the Modern Styles of Architecture (1862).
- 202. William Morris. Prospectus for Morris, Marshall, Faulkner and Company (1861).
B. Rationalism, Eclecticism, and Realism in France.
- 203. Albert Lenoir and Léon Vaudoyer. from “Études d’architecture en France”(1844).
- 204. Eugène-Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc. from “De la construction des édifices religieux en France” (1845).
- 205. César Daly. from “De la liberté dans l’art” (1847).
- 206. Léonce Reynaud. from Traité d’architecture (1850).
- 207. Eugène-Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc. from “Architecture,” in Dictionnaire raisonné (1854).
- 208. Gustave Courbet. from “Statement on Realism” (1855).
- 209. Charles Baudelaire. from “The Painter of Modern Life” (1859).
- 210. Eugène-Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc. from Entretiens sur l’architecture, Lecture VI (1859).
- 211. César Daly. from Revue générale, Vol. 21 (1863).
- 212. César Daly. from Revue générale, Vol. 23 (1866).
- 213. Bourgeois de Lagny. from “Salon de 1866”.
- 214. Eugène-Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc. from “Style” in Dictionnaire raisonné (1866).
- 215. Eugène-Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc. from Entretiens sur l’architecture, Lecture XII (1866).
- 216. Émile Zola. from Le ventre de Paris (1872).
C. Tectonics and Style in Germany.
- 217. Karl von Schnaase. from Niederländische Briefe (1834).
- 218. Karl Bötticher. from Die Tektonik der Hellenen (1843).
- 219. Eduard van der Nüll. from “Andeutungen über die kunstgemässe Beziehung des Ornamentes zur rohen Form” (1845).
- 220. Heinrich Leibnitz. from Die struktive Element in der Architektur (1849).
- 221. Gottfried Semper. from Die Vier Elemente der Baukunst (1851).
- 222. Gottfried Semper. from Wissenschaft, Industrie und Kunst (1852).
- 223. Jacob Burckhardt. from Die Kultur der Renaissance in Italien (1860).
- 224. Jacob Burckhardt. from Die Geschichte der Renaissance in Italien (1867).
- 225. Gottfried Semper. from Der Stil in den technischen und tektonischen Künsten (1860).
- 226. Gottfried Semper. from Der Stil in den technischen und tektonischen Künsten (1860).
- 227. Rudolf Hermann Lotze. from Geschichte der Aesthetik in Deutschland (1868).
- 228. Gottfried Semper. from Über Baustyle (1869).
- 229. Richard Lucae. from “Über die Bedeutung und Macht des Raumes in der Baukunst” (1869).
590 pages / 17 x 24,5 cm / English
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