This is the first book to give such close attention to Le Corbusier’s approach to the making of buildings. It illustrates the ways in which Le Corbusier’s details were expressive of his overall philosophical intentions. It is not a construction book in the usual sense- rather it focusses on the meaning of detail, on the ways in which detail informs the overall architectural narrative of a building. Well illustrated and containing several specially prepared scaled drawings it acts as timely reminder to both students and architects of the possibilities inherent in the most small scale tectonic gestures.
- Standardisation and Unity – Standardisation, Standard Materials, Standard Structure, Concrete, Steel, Vaults
- Somatic Detail – anthropomorphism, Touch, Walls, Door handles and handrails, furniture, Floors, Colour, Space, Sound, conclusion
- Light and Dark – Meaning, Windows and Lights, horizontal windows, panne de verre, brise soleil, Ondulatoires, Rooflights, Reflection, Artificial light
- Framing – views, objects, Space
- Elements of the Architectural Promenade – Doors, Stairs and Ramps
- Rituals – Altar, Fire – the hearth, Water
- Clouds 1959 – Brazil, Geography lesson, Persrective, Interior urbanism
- Conclusion
264 pages / 19 x 24,5 cm / English
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