New projects by the successful Berlin-based architectural office
“In the end Barkow Leibinger are bricoleurs as much as they are engineers. . . . There is always an element of inspired performance in bricolage. And as the greatest philosophers in German aesthetics tellus, such play (Spiel) is also essential to art; it opens up a realm for an imaginative response to any question. In the end, this is what Barkow Leibinger offer us all: Spielraum, room for play, space for invention.” Hal Foster
Grouped in five thematic fields—“Fabrication / Research,” “Liminal Façade / Deep Surface,” “Ultra Structural,” “Makeover,” and “Site Specific”—this comprehensive monograph presents the work of theBerlin-based, German-American architectural practice Barkow Leibinger with contributions by Hal Foster, Carson Chan, Sarah Whiting, Brett Steele, and Iwan Baan.
Text(s) by Hal Foster, Brett Steele, Sarah Whiting, graphic design by Zak Group, foreword by Carson Chan, contributions by Iwan Baan
426 pages, 395 ills. / 22.60 x 30.60 cm / English, German
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